Deviations from the Teachings of Ma’had Al-Zaytun: A Review on MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) Recommendations Toward Aswaja Ideology


  • Yundri Akhyar UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Wirda Ningsih STAI Al-Kifayah Riau



Deviation , Ma'had Zaitun, MUI, Aswaja


In 2002, a research team from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) conducted research related to Ma’had Al-Zaytun. Deviation from the Teachings of Ma’had Al-Zaytun may occur in certain instances as the institution takes into consideration recommendations from the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council). These recommendations serve as guidance for aligning their teachings with the religious principles and values upheld by the wider Muslim community in Indonesia. The research aims to determine some information regarding Ma'had Az-Zaitun cases, including Ma'had Az-Zaitun's religious activities and deviant religious teaching based on MUI. This study employs a qualitative case study methodology approach.   The data was taken from news articles, journal articles, books, YouTube interviews, papers and other sources. Research shows that Panji Gumilang, as the leader of Ma'had Az-Zaitun and a teacher, engages in deviant religious teachings and practices that are against Aswaja’s doctrine. The derivations are Allowing adultery in certain conditions, allowing women in the front row in shalat, allowing women as khatib, and allowing women and non-Muslims in the same prayer row, following the madhab of Bung Karno, singing 'havenu shalom aleichem' which is thick with Judaism, Al-Qur’an based on what Muhammad prophet words, and interpreting the Al-Quran haphazardly which does not comply with the methodology of scientific interpretation of verses, both in terms of the evidence used or the madlul or meaning.      

Author Biography

Yundri Akhyar, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau



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How to Cite

Akhyar, Y. ., & Ningsih, W. (2025). Deviations from the Teachings of Ma’had Al-Zaytun: A Review on MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) Recommendations Toward Aswaja Ideology . At-Ta’dib, 18(2), 27–48.