Preliminary Study of Development of Mobile Learning Laboratorium Tafsir Sains (Labtafsin)


  • Niken Sylvia Puspitasari Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Rochmad Rochmad Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Dihin Muriyatmoko Universitas Darussalam Gontor



al tafsir al ilmy, Focus Group Discussion, laboratory, m-learning


The purpose of this research is to develop the m-learning laboratory of science interpretation as an effort to support the learning of “al tafsir al ilmy”. In this article will be outlined some preliminary discussion, findings conducted in the framework of the development of m- learning model of “laboratorium tafsir sains”. Data collection is conducted through interviews, observations, analysis of SWOT and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results showed that in support of the study of “al tafsir al ilmy”, “laboratorium tafsir sains” is needed to support the curriculum to be applied, where in the curriculum there are theories and practices. Because the “laboratorium tafsir sains“ has not yet realized, a study is needed to develop the laboratory in the form of m-laeaning as an overview of the concept of the laboratory to be developed.


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How to Cite

Puspitasari, N. S., Rochmad, R., & Muriyatmoko, D. (2020). Preliminary Study of Development of Mobile Learning Laboratorium Tafsir Sains (Labtafsin). At-Ta’dib, 15(2), 145–157.