ADiTV Programming Strategy in Maintaining the Da'wah Program


  • Ahmad Fahrudin University of Darussalam Gontor
  • Nur Aini Shofiya Asy'ari University of Darussalam Gontor



AbstractCommunication and information in this era of globalization has developed rapidly. The development also has influence in the aspect of state and religion. Every individual gets information through various mass media, television, radio, internet, newspapers, etc. Television is one of mass media which is very popular among society. Almost every house, offices and public places have television. The media industry, especially television, in Indonesia is growing very rapidly especially since the enactment of Law no. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting. However, the development of local television is so rapid leaving some problems. Weak local television in making good programs and business management, making local television broadcast less public interest. TV is one of the local television stations in Jogjakarta which began airing on July 18, 2009 with a range of DIY region and parts of Central Java. Different programs with local TV stations are able to deliver ADiTV as one of the local televisions in Yogyakarta that still exist. The purpose of this research is to know what da’wah program is aired by ADiTV and programming strategy of ADiTV program in maintaining da'wah program. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Primary data obtained through interviews, observations, while secondary data through documentation. The results show that some ADiTV propagation programs have been compatible with Sydney W Head's programming strategy theory. In addition to use the Sydney W Head programming strategy in maintaining the da'wah program, ADiTV has also used some elements of Naratama's creative production strategy. Keywords: Programming Strategy, ADiTV, Da'wah Program.



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