About the Journal

Sahafa Journal of Islamic Communication registered with ISSN 2622-3449 (Print) and ISSN 2622-4313 (Online).  The selected paper published by Sahafa Journal of Islamic Communication is under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License is a blind peer-reviewed journal published semi-annual ( January and July) by Universitas Darussalam Gontor incorporate with The Indonesian Communication Scholars Association: Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI) and Indonesian Da'wah Professional Association: Asosisasi Profesi Dakwah Indonesia (APDI)

Sahafa Journal of Islamic Communication also supervised by Journal Organizing Association of Da’wah: Persatuan Pengelola Jurnal Dakwah (PPJID), Indonesian Communication Science Journal Management Association: Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia (APJIKI), and Indonesian Journal Volunteers: Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21111/sjic

Sahafa Journal of Islamic Communication invites manuscripts in the various Islamic Communications topics.



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Articles published in the Sahafa Journal of Islamic Communication was reviewed by at least two reviewers before being published through a blind peer review.