Journal History

This journal has been established since 2014 with the first managing editor was Mr. Moh. Ismail ibn Syuhada, M.Pd., and in 2017 he continues the study for Ph.D. therefore, this position was switched to the next managing editor which is Mr. Luthfi Muhyiddin, M.A. for the next two year. now, the new managing editor for this Journal is Mrs. Hani'atul Mabruroh, M.Pd. for the next period as the third person in charge for this position. in 2019 Mr. Alif Cahya Setiyadi, M.A. who has been appointed as Editor in Chief since the establishment of this journal, starts his PhD program. By these reason, in July 2020, the member of Editorial Board under supervising of Faculty of Tarbiyah appointed Mr. Luthfi Muhyiddin, M.A. as the next Editor in Chief for this Journal.