Peer Review Process
The process for reviewing and publishing the manuscripts in JIHOH is as follows
- Manuscript submission
All manuscript must have correct formatting to be considered for publication. Before submitting the manuscript to the Journal. Please check the Guide for the Online Submission to this journal proceeds via Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Screening for Plagiarism
JIHOH Editorial board using Plagiarism checker program. The maximum tolerance level of plagiarism is 20 %.
- Peer Review
The editorial boards determine reviewer in accordance with the field of expertise to study the manuscript in depth. The manuscript is given to the reviewer in blind review system (without identity or mentioning the author's name and institution). The reviewer will have 2 (two) weeks to review the manuscript and write his/her comments on the recommendation form. The recommendations for the manuscript are accepted with minor correction, accepted with major correction, and rejected.
- Determination of Acceptance Decision
The Editorial Board takes responsibility to decide the submitted manuscript based on the reviewer’s manuscript evaluation. Decisions are made by considering the majority. Based on the recommendation of the reviewer or referees, the editorial board decides on a manuscript will be published or not.
The Editorial Team will make a summary and list the suggestion from reviewers to facilitate the author in making revision and improvement.
- Revision of Manuscript by the Author
The manuscript that has been decided to be accepted by the editorial board is returned back to the author. The revised manuscript must be back to the editor within 2 (two) weeks through OJS system, completed with the report of revision. The revised manuscript will be evaluated by the editor to check whether the manuscript has been revised properly related to the reviewer suggestions, or still need more improvement. If the manuscript is accepted then the editor board will issue a letter of acceptance for the publication.
- Editing and Layout of Final Review
The final review manuscript will be edited and formatted by technical editor in Journal Secretary Office, and then sent to the publisher for the final layout.
- Galley Proof
Electronic proofs are sent via OJS system to the corresponding author’s as PDF file after the final review is completed and should be returned within 48 hours of receipt. Authors are suggested that this is the final version of the manuscripts and no significant changes will be made at this stage other than typographical or minor clerical errors.
- Printing by Publisher and online version
The final version is printed by the publisher according to the agreed journal format and print quality. The online version of the manuscripts will be uploaded in the Journal website, and can be open access to the public.
- Journal Dissemination
Printed Journals are distributed to the general public as well as documented in Rumah Jurnal Unida Gontor as well as customer, society member or affiliate library.