Respectfully lecturers, teachers, students, researchers
Fountain of Informatics Journal (FIJ) Universitas Darussalam Gontor invites manuscripts, Requirements:
- The various topics include, but are not limited to, functional areas of the information system, software engineering, computer network, game technology, and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in Islam
- This Journal does not charge for Article Processing Charges (APCs) or submission charges
- The title should be in accordance with the content of the manuscript adequate, clear, precise, and not have multiple interpretations
- An abstract must contain: an introduction, problems, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and future work
- Keywords must be specific, with a maximum number of six
- Content must include an introduction, methods, result and discussion, conclusion, and references.
- The introduction contains: the object of research, previous research of the same type (2-5), shortcomings or problems in previous studies, solutions (other methods) offered, research objectives
- The method contains: Additional literature and explanation of methods in research (scenarios, research steps)
- Result and discussion contain: complete research results with parameters that are compared or measured, can be added graphs, tables, or figures as explanatory,
Add a discussion of the differences in research, the strengths, and weaknesses of current research results with previous research - The conclusion contains: conclusion, future works, and suggestions
- References must be utilized using the Mendeley Reference Management Tool to simplify the editing process with the IEEE model citation
- The minimum number of references is ten, and in the last five to ten years, 80% including journals or proceedings. It's better if it comes from international journals or proceedings
- For the format of writing a journal, please open Author Guidelines, and Article Template
- To submit articles directly sign up for our Open Journal System here
- Submission is open all year and published semi-annual (May and November)
- The author must agree with Publication ethics and SOP for manuscript
- Contact Person: informatika@unida.gontor.ac.id or Telegram Only: 0881 9144 524 (Dihin Muriyatmoko).
- Thank you for your attention
An article will be rejected immediately if it contains plagiarism or similarity of more than 20% (Turnitin) and is not according to the format of the writing style