Publication Fee

Tsaqafah is an open-access journal. Since 2022, the APC (Article Processing Charge) for every accepted manuscript is 1,000,000 IDR. A discount (50%-100%) will be applied for authors who meet diversity of institutions and countries (at least 3-4 countries).‎ For a discount, please text (WA) to +6289615686322

Fast Track is available if meet one of the following terms:
1. There are authors from more than one foreign country.
2. Have professional proofreading certification from services like Enago, Scribbr, PaperTrue, or similar.
3. Have previously cited articles from the Journal Tsaqafah in reputable international publications, as evidenced by Citedness in Scopus or WoS.

The Fastrack seat fee is:

IDR 1,000,000 for 3 months before publication.

IDR 1,500,000 for 2 months before publication

IDR 2,000,000 for 1 month before publication

Fast Track System:

The authors suggest 3 reviewers listed in Tsaqafah concerning their themes.

The managing editor would contact them to do a fast review.