Implementation of Wasathiyatul Islam in the Curriculum of Modern Islamic boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Study of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s Thought.)


  • Rahmat Yasin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari



Wasthiyatul Islam, Implementation, curriculum, boarding school


AbstractK.H. Imam Zarkasyi was a successful figure with his modern boarding school educational system in accommodating various diversity in Indonesia. This study discusses the Implementation of Wasathiyatul Islam in the curriculum of Modern Islamic boarding School Darussalam Gontor with a focus on the study of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s Thought. The problem in this research is how the concept of Islamic thought Wasathiyah according to K.H Imam Zarkasyi, then how was The Wasathiyah Islam implemented in the curriculum of Modern Islamic Boarding school Darussalam Gontor and the reason why Wasathiyah Islam implemented in the curriculum at Modern Islamic Darussalam Gontor. While the purpose of this thesis is to analyze and describe the concept of Islamic thought of Wasathiyah according to K.H Imam Zarkasyi, and then reveals how Wasathiyah Islam implemented in curriculum at Modern Islamic Boarding school Darussalam Gontor and explain the reason why was the Wasathiyatul Islam implemented in curriculum at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor. The kind of research instrument is biographical research, with rationalistic postpositivism approach, using descriptive analysis, by data collecting method with interview, observation, and documentation. The source of data obtained from the books author by K.H.Imam Zarkasyi, interview towards his sons, Director of KMI, and teachers in Modern Islamic boarding school Darussalam Gontor. Data analysis techniques performed after data collection, data reduction, and presentation of data then performed conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the concept of Islamic thought Wasathiyah (Wasathiyah al-Islam), in K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s thought is a frame of mind based on philosophical values, with the consideration of al-khoiriyah wa al-afdholiyah, proportional, and balance, within the framework of shari'ah.


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How to Cite

Yasin, R. (2019). Implementation of Wasathiyatul Islam in the Curriculum of Modern Islamic boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Study of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi’s Thought.). At-Ta’dib, 14(2), 75–96.