Dermatitis Kontak Alergi Akibat Bahan Kosmetik
Contact dermatitis
Cosmetic ingredients
Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin reaction due to direct skin contact with an allergen. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs due to the presence of reactive compounds that trigger an innate and adaptive immune response. The incidence of contact dermatitis is higher in women compared to men, as women tend to be more exposed to cosmetic ingredients and personal care products. Almost all cosmetic ingredients can cause allergic contact dermatitis. The diagnosis of DKA begins with a history taking that focuses on a history of exposure to the causative agent and a family history of possible atopy, as well asa clinical assessment that follows the progression of the disease over time. The definitive treatment of allergic contact dermatitis involves identifying and avoiding the underlying cause. Patients should be educated about the substance they are allergic to and advised on how to avoid further exposure to the substance. Topical corticosteroids have been shown to be effective for the treatment of contact dermatitis if the underlying allergen has been avoided. The prognosis of patients with contact dermatitis depends on the cause and lifestyle. Isolated cases often resolve if exposure to the causative agent is stopped. Treatment of the underlying skin condition (e.g., atopic dermatitis, psoriasis) should also be optimized.Downloads
How to Cite
Putri, O. E. ., & Kariosentono, H. (2025). Dermatitis Kontak Alergi Akibat Bahan Kosmetik. Darussalam Medical Journal, 1(01), 37–49. Retrieved from