Author Guideline


This journal uses a double-blind review system. Every article submitted in Darussalam Medical Journal (DMJ) must meet the following general criteria:

  • Manuscripts sent to the editor should be no more than 5.000 words in English including the title, abstract, table, references (use word count in a computer program).
  • Using the Palatino Linotype font format, 10 points, single space (not double).
  • A4 paper size with margins of 2.5 cm (top), 1.8 cm (right and left) and 2 cm (bottom).
  • All pages are portrait.
  • Authors are required to adjust the manuscript with the Guideline for Authors that has been established by Darussalam Medical Journal (DMJ). Inappropriate texts will be returned. Manuscripts that have been received along with all the illustrations that accompany them are the legal property of the publisher, and are not permitted to be published anywhere, in whole or in part, in printed or electronic form without written permission from the publisher.
  • All data, opinions or statements contained in the manuscript are the responsibility of the author. The publisher, editor, and all staff of Darussalam Medical Journal (DMJ) are not responsible or unwilling to accept any difficulties or problems related to the consequences of inaccuracies, data errors, opinions, or statements.
  • Authors are expected to consider carefully the authorship before submitting their manuscript.
  • Affiliation changes must be notified to the editor or journal manager.
  • Changes in the manuscript after being submitted may only be in the contents of the journal due to suggestions from reviewers or editors.


  1. Guideline for Reporting Original Research

1). Title

The title is written in the Palatino Linotype font format, 16 points, bold, centered, each with a maximum of 16 words in the format of the title case, not a sentence case, nor uppercase. This is based on the view that the title is a phrase that does not need complete sentences. The title describes the summary of the research (brief, informative, no abbreviations).

2). Authors

The author's name is written in full without an academic degree. Affiliation uses numbers and should be placed under the title of the article, including footnotes about the profession and the institution where the author works.

If there is more than one author, the main author is mentioned first. One author is the corresponding author, including their email address in the footnotes.

3). Abstract

The abstract is written in one page with no more than 250 words (use word count in a computer program) in English and Indonesia (if the article use Indonesian language). Preferable without statistics, unless it's very important. Statistical values should only be for the results of the study. Keywords are no more than 5 words/phrases.

4). Introduction

The introduction maximum six paragraphs. There is a need to distinguish the theoretical framework and the flow of research, summarized in a paper on the aims of the study. Theoretical framework refers to the context of discovery, while the flow of research refers to the context of justification of the research.

5). Methods 

Systematic research methodology needs to be simpler, taking into account the following:

  • Mentioned design (example: meta-analysis, cohort, cross-sectional, or case-control) and type of research (example: double-blind, single-blind, and so on).
  • Population characteristics with research settings must be clear (time and place), along with the sampling technique (randomized controlled trial, and so on).
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria need to be mentioned.
  • Measurement or measuring instruments used need to be detailed including the standard procedures used.

6). Results

The results should analyze the research data (also mention the machine/statistical tools, for example: Microsoft Excel or SPSS for Windows), and the techniques/types of statistical calculations used (regression, ANOVA, etc). Narrative results refer to the tables and figures. The writing method follows the following conditions:

  • Images and tables maximum of 10.
  • Figures, tables and diagrams must be editable.
  • The image title is placed below the image, with Palatino Linotype 10 points, single space, centered.
  • The table title is placed above the table, with Palatino Linotype 10 points, single space, centered.
  • The contents of the table are written with Palatino Linotype 10 points and a single space.
  • The table lines are only horizontal (without vertical), the color of the table lines is black.
  • After the title, the source of the image and table should be included.

7).  Discussion 

The authors must honestly submit the meaning of the results of the study, especially the issues that are relevant to the basic research questions. Also how the results of the research can solve problems, differences and similarities with previous research and possible development. No need to repeat the things that have been stated in the results, but immediately discuss them in accordance with existing theories. The limitations of the study should be discussed in more depth and included in the last section of the Discussion.

8). Conclusions 

The conclusion is free from statistics, and it should answer the Aims of the Study. This section also contains the message that Authors want to convey. Conclusions must answer questions written in the Introduction and must be based on research data, not literature reviews.

9). Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments can be given to those involved with this research. Authors need to include in the Conflict of Interest regarding the consequences that may arise in the future due to the exposure of scientific data with the interests of related institutions.

10). References

The reference is written according to American Medical Association 11th Edition. The minimum are 10 items. Reference preferable from journal or from textbook maximum 20%. The number of authors listed is not more than three, if more after the first name followed by "et al." It is written using Palatino Linotype with 1.15 space, justified, with spacing 6 pt after each reference. In writing the citations and references, authors are recommended to use Mendeley® reference management software, and choose: American Medical Association 11th Edition.

Example of bibliography writing:

  1. Li D, Jin M, Bao P, Zhao W, Zhang S. Clinical Characteristics and Results of Semen Tests Among Men With Coronavirus Disease 2019. JAMA Netw open. 2020;3(5):e208292.
  2. Holtmann N, Edimiris P, Andree M, Doehmen C, Baston-Buest D, Adams O, et al. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in human semen - a cohort study. Fertil Steril [Internet]. 2020;(10):1–5. Available from:
  1. Pan F, Xiao X, Guo J, Song Y, Li H, Patel DP, et al. No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in semen of males recovering from COVID-19. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1135–9.
  2. Guideline for Writing a Literature Review

1). Title

The title is written in the Palatino Linotype font format, 16 points, bold, centered, each with a maximum of 16 words in the format of the title case, not a sentence case, nor uppercase. This is based on the view that the title is a phrase that does not need complete sentences. The title describes the summary of the research (brief, informative, no abbreviations).

2). Authors

The author's name is written in full without an academic degree. Affiliation uses numbers and should be placed under the title of the article, including footnotes about the profession and the institution where the author works.

If there is more than one author, the main author is mentioned first. One author is the corresponding author, including their email address in the footnotes.

3). Abstract

The abstract is written in one page with no more than 250 words (use word count in a computer program) in English and Indonesia (if the article use Indonesian language). Preferable without statistics, unless it's very important. Statistical values should only be for the results of the study. Keywords are no more than 5 words/phrases.

4). Introduction

The introduction maximum six paragraphs. There is a need to distinguish the theoretical framework and the flow of research, summarized in a paper on the aims of the study. Theoretical framework refers to the context of discovery, while the flow of research refers to the context of justification of the research.

5). Methods* (it’s not required) 

This section was not required. But if the author have special method, the content of methods consists of data source such as the population and sample or data collection, and data analysis.

6). Review

Reviews should be recognized as scholarly by specialists in the field being covered, but should also be written with a view to informing readers who are not specialized in that particular field, and should therefore be presented using simple prose. Please avoid excessive jargon and technical detail. Reviews should capture the broad developments and implications of recent work. The opening paragraph should make clear the general thrust of the review and provide a clear sense of why the review is now particularly appropriate. The concluding paragraph should provide the reader with an idea of how the field may develop or future problems to overcome, but should not summarize the article. To ensure that a review is likely to be accessible to as many readers as possible, it may be useful to ask a colleague from another discipline to read the review before submitting it.

7). Conclusions/Summary

The conclusion is free from statistics, and it should answer the aims of the Study. This section also contains the message that authors want to convey. This part can explain the main summary of the article, highlighting its importance and relevance as well as suggestion or recommendation for further research

8). References

The reference is written according to American Medical Association 11th Edition. The minimum are 10 items. Reference preferable from journal or from textbook maximum 20%. The number of authors listed is not more than three, if more after the first name followed by "et al." It is written using Palatino Linotype with 1.15 space, justified, with spacing 6 pt after each reference. In writing the citations and references, authors are recommended to use Mendeley® reference management software, and choose: American Medical Association 11th Edition.

Example of bibliography writing:

  1. Li D, Jin M, Bao P, Zhao W, Zhang S. Clinical Characteristics and Results of Semen Tests Among Men With Coronavirus Disease 2019. JAMA Netw open. 2020;3(5):e208292.
  2. Holtmann N, Edimiris P, Andree M, Doehmen C, Baston-Buest D, Adams O, et al. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in human semen - a cohort study. Fertil Steril [Internet]. 2020;(10):1–5. Available from:
  3. Pan F, Xiao X, Guo J, Song Y, Li H, Patel DP, et al. No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in semen of males recovering from COVID-19. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1135–9.
  1. Guideline for Writing a Case Report
  2. Title

The title is written in the Palatino Linotype font format, 16 points, bold, centered, each with a maximum of 16 words in the format of the title case, not a sentence case, nor uppercase. This is based on the view that the title is a phrase that does not need complete sentences. The title describes the summary of the research (brief, informative, no abbreviations).

2). Authors

The author's name is written in full without an academic degree. Affiliation uses numbers and should be placed under the title of the article, including footnotes about the profession and the institution where the author works.

If there is more than one author, the main author is mentioned first. One author is the corresponding author, including their email address in the footnotes.

3). Abstract

The abstract is written in one page with no more than 250 words (use word count in a computer program) in English and Indonesia (if the article use Indonesian language). Preferable without statistics, unless it's very important. Statistical values should only be for the results of the study. Keywords are no more than 5 words/phrases.

4). Introduction

The introduction maximum six paragraphs. The introduction contains an overview, background, and the purpose of the case study clearly.

5). Case 

  • Please anonymouse the patient's details as much as possible, eg, specific ages, ethnicity, occupations.
  • The case is best presented in chronological order and in enough detail for the reader to establish his or her own conclusions about the case's validity. The current medical condition and medical history, including relevant family history, should be clearly described in chronological order, typically comprising clinical history, physical examination findings, investigative results, including imaging and laboratory results, differential diagnosis, management, follow-up, and final diagnosis.
  • We welcome video submissions to complement your case report.

6). Discussion

The authors must honestly submit the meaning of the case of the study, especially the issues that are relevant to the basic case questions. Also how the results of the case can solve problems, differences and similarities with previous case and possible development. The limitations of the study should be discussed in more depth and included in the last section of the discussion.

7). Conclusions

The conclusion is free from statistics, and it should answer the aims of the Study. This section also contains the message that authors want to convey.

8). References

The reference is written according to American Medical Association 11th Edition. The minimum are 10 items. Reference preferable from journal or from textbook maximum 20%. The number of authors listed is not more than three, if more after the first name followed by "et al." It is written using Palatino Linotype with 1.15 space, justified, with spacing 6 pt after each reference. In writing the citations and references, authors are recommended to use Mendeley® reference management software, and choose: American Medical Association 11th Edition.

Example of bibliography writing:

  1. Li D, Jin M, Bao P, Zhao W, Zhang S. Clinical Characteristics and Results of Semen Tests Among Men With Coronavirus Disease 2019. JAMA Netw open. 2020;3(5):e208292.
  2. Holtmann N, Edimiris P, Andree M, Doehmen C, Baston-Buest D, Adams O, et al. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in human semen - a cohort study. Fertil Steril [Internet]. 2020;(10):1–5. Available from:
  3. Pan F, Xiao X, Guo J, Song Y, Li H, Patel DP, et al. No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in semen of males recovering from COVID-19. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1135–9.