‘Tinder’ and the Rise of Hook-Up Culture: Mapping an Islamic Solution


  • Ahmad Shidqi Mukhtasor International Islamic University Malaysia




Hook-up culture, Sex culture, Tinder, Islamic civilization, Islah


The current understanding of sex has deviated from the normative values of Islam, where sexual activity outside of marriage has increased sharply. This is due to the emergence of a new sex culture called the 'hook-up culture', where a person engages in casual sex with the aim of fulfilling his own pleasure without any commitment. The development of the digital era has contributed to the growth of the hook-up culture and has become more real in modern human life. More specifically, after the presence of one of the most prominent dating applications, Tinder. This phenomenon shows the decline of human civilization. Whereas Islam as a religion of civilization describes sex as an element that forms human dignity and contributes to the formation of a quality civilization. This article tries to find a new conceptual framework in solving the problem of hook-up culture through an Islamic perspective. The research in this article explores the relationship between Tinder and hook-up culture and suggests Islam as a solution. The findings of this study indicate that the resolution that the ummah currently has in solving the problem of hook-up culture is still very specific in the discipline of Islamic studies, and needs further integration to overcome the problem of hook-up culture in society through exploring the key concepts of Islam and practical updates.

Author Biography

Ahmad Shidqi Mukhtasor, International Islamic University Malaysia

Ahmad Shidqi Mukhtasor is an undergraduate student at IIUM majoring in Usuluddin and Comparative Religion. He is active in intellectual activities within Indonesian communities in IIUM, such as leading the Strategic Studies Division in PPI IIUM and as the editor in chief at isfiiium.com. His subject interests are Islamic thought, philosophy, gender, and cultural studies.


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How to Cite

Mukhtasor, A. S. (2022). ‘Tinder’ and the Rise of Hook-Up Culture: Mapping an Islamic Solution. Journal of Comparative Study of Religions, 2(2), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.21111/jcsr.v2i2.7258