The Miracle in Christianity According to David Hume


  • Muhammad Alif Rahmadi Masjid Jami’ Nurul Iman Telkomas, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Zulfikar Zulfikar Universitas Islam Negeri ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia



Miracle, David Hume, Christianity, Enquiry, Skepticism.


This article examines the views of David Hume on miracles in Christianity in his book “An Inquiry ‎Concerning Human Understanding”. Using a literature ‎approach and systematic analysis of David Hume's writings, this research generates ‎several ideas. David Hume wrote that any miracle that happens in this world is a ‎violation of the laws of nature. Miracles destroy the natural order ‎and are not in line with the existing law of nature. David Hume opposed the idea of miracles ‎because he was a religious skeptic, against all things metaphysical and non-natural to ‎humans. Thus, David Hume rejected the truth filled with doubts and questions. David ‎Hume's skepticism leads to the theory of deism, that God is a product of human thought ‎and He does not interfere with what He created.


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How to Cite

Rahmadi, M. A., & Zulfikar, Z. (2021). The Miracle in Christianity According to David Hume. Journal of Comparative Study of Religions, 2(1).