Intergrasi Spiritualitas Dan Teknologi Pendidikan : Potret Pesantren Masa Depan Abad 21


  • Habibur Rahman UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions that educate students to become the next generation of the nation. They are educated about religious and social values in it. Pesantren also has a role in the community to maintain these religious and cultural values. The 21st century is characterized by disruption in the development of technological acceleration, so it is important to prepare a golden generation that is ready to face the 21st century, or often called the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 (Era society). The object of this research examines the integration of Islamic values (spirituality) and technology in providing an overview of future pesantren in the 21st century. The method we used in this research was library research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources obtained through literature searches and analyzed through a more comprehensive content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the integration of spirituality and technology can be done in various ways, such as utilizing social media in digital da'wah, developing Qur'an-based applications, and using online learning platforms. In this integration, santri are molded into people of faith, knowledge and noble character, which of course must receive support from the government, educational institutions and society to answer the challenges 21st century. Keywords: Spirituality, Technology, Education, Pesantren


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