About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Shibghoh: Prosiding Ilmu Kependidikan UNIDA Gontor aimed to diseminate short study or research focusing on education in widely sense. Its scope covered:
1. Pendidikan Kepesantrenan
2. Pendidikan Agama Islam
3. Desain dan Strategi Pengajaran PAI
4. Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
5. Metodologi dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa Arab
6. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
7. Desain dan Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab
8. Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Tarjamah
9. Methodology in English Teching ( TEFL, EFL. or Teaching English in Pesantren)
10. Issues in English Linguistic and Literature ( viewed from islamic education perspective)
Peer Review Process
Shibghoh only accepts the original articles both qualitative study or quantitative research which lenght limited to 3.000 words approximately
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- Research misconduct is defined as behaviour by a researcher, intentional or not, that falls short of good ethical and scientific standards (Edinburgh 1999). Research misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, suppression, or inappropriate manipulation of data; inappropriate image manipulation; plagiarism; misleading reporting; redundant publication; authorship malpractice such as guest or ghost authorship; failure to disclose funding sources or competing interests; misreporting of funder involvement; and unethical research (for example, failure to obtain adequate patient consent). Research misconduct is important as it wastes resources, damagesthe credibility ofscience, and can cause harm (for example, to patients and the public)
- Primary responsibility for good research conduct rests with individual researchers. However, institutions have direct responsibility as employers to ensure good research conduct, and funders have a duty to hold institutions to account
- Research funders should require research institutions to appoint a senior named person as a research integrity officer and to adhere to an agreed code of conduct for research
- The code of conduct should mandate among other things: The setting up of effective systems to prevent and detect misconduct, including the protection of whistleblowers and a duty on researchers to report misconduct Proper investigation of allegations of research misconduct, including as a minimum the reporting of results of investigations to a national advisory and oversight body such as UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) Institutions must register and subscribe to such a body
Journal History
Prosiding ini berisi kumpulan makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam Education Festival ke-3. Yakni Konferensi Nasional Tarbiyah UNIDA Gontor dengan tema "The Strengthening of Pesantren Education Outcome Through The Synergy of Multidisciplinary Knowledge". Seminar ini diselenggarakan secara rutin setiap tahun oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Seminar ini membahas beberapa bidang kajian diantaranya adalah:
1. Pendidikan Kepesantrenan
2. Pendidikan Agama Islam
3. Desain dan Strategi Pengajaran PAI
4. Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
5. Metodologi dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa Arab
6. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
7. Desain dan Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab
8. Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Tarjamah
9. Methodology in English Teching ( TEFL, EFL. or Teaching English in Pesantren)
10. Issues in English Linguistic and Literature ( viewed from islamic education perspective)