Pesantren dalam Pendidikan Nasional: Menghadapi Tantangan dan Memanfaatkan Peluang Pasca UU No. 18 Tahun 2019


  • Abd Mannan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
  • Emna Laisa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura


Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) have an important role in the national education system, especially in teaching Islamic values, morals, and spirituality. However, the integration of pesantren into the national education system faces various challenges, including limited resources, infrastructure, and adaptation to a modern curriculum that is more focused on general knowledge and technology. On the other hand, national education policies, such as the Law of Islamic boarding schools, provide significant opportunities for pesantren to adapt and develop without abandoning their Islamic identity. This research focuses on how current national education policies attempt to accommodate the role of Islamic boarding schools in the national education system, as well as identifying the opportunities and challenges faced by Pesantren in responding to these policies. This study uses library research as its methodology, relying on literature sources. The data analysis technique uses content analysis, aimed at obtaining valid and verifiable references in relevant contexts. The results of this study show that pesantren have a crucial role in enriching the national education system with an approach based on Islamic values, fostering character, morality, and spirituality. National education policies, such as the Pesantren Law, support this role by formally recognizing pesantren, providing access to assistance, and facilitating the development of a comprehensive curriculum. Pesantren have a great opportunity to play a more significant role in national education by integrating strong Islamic values with a modern curriculum, producing graduates with a balanced academic and spiritual competency. However, pesantren face challenges in adjusting to modern demands such as digitalization, general skills, and technology while maintaining their Islamic identity. Keywords: Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), National Education System, Pesantren Law.




