
  • Ach. Maimun Universitas Annuqayah Sumenep


Although pesantren initially concentrated on the advancement of religious knowledge, it has, in fact, developed an integrative concept of scientific development that unites a variety of disciplines. This is evidenced by the fundamental literature or textbooks taught in the majority of pesantren, which reflect this integrative concept. It is crucial to highlight this as a critique of the continued dominance of Western science and technology development. In addition to the aforementioned ideological and pragmatic issues, the scientific development pursued by the West is also regarded as epistemologically problematic and incompatible with Islamic teachings. This study will elucidate the concept of pesantren science development. This is achieved through an examination of a range of literary sources, with a particular focus on the concepts that can be found in the fundamental textbooks used in pesantren settings. From the extant concepts, the unifying thread of the various concepts is drawn and analyzed through the lens of the philosophy of science. This study concludes that, firstl, the metaphysical foundation of pesantren science development is tawhid and tasbih for all reality, science, and its various dimensions. Secondly, these two foundations serve to unify and sanctify the development of knowledge in the realms of science (‘ilmiyyah), ethics (khuluqiyyah), and spirituality (‘ubudiyyah). Thirdly, the two foundations also orient the development of science towards a unified and sacred trajectory, encompassing reflection (i’tibar) and utility (intifa’) in the temporal and the spiritual realms. Keywords: Integration, Pesantren, Science development, Basic Literature


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