تحليل صعوبات الطلبة في ترجمة اللغة العربية بكلية مدني للعلوم التربوية


  • Rizkyana Wahyu Laras Pertiwi STIT Madani Yogyakarta
  • Ni’matul Hidayah
  • Ila Fadhliya Lalahwa


  Abstract: STIT Madani is a Pesantren-based college focusing on developing Arabic language skills. By making Arabic the language of instruction, STIT Madani gives its students special attention to mastering the language in depth. That is one of the goals of its graduates, which is to become translators. To achieve this goal, students learn about tarjamah from Arabic to Indonesian. However, among STIT Madani students, there are still some problems with the translation itself. Therefore, for the implementation of good education and following the objectives of STIT Madani, research is needed to identify student problems in translating Arabic into Indonesian and provide effective solutions to overcome problems in translating Arabic into Indonesian. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. Data collection used observation, interview, and documentation techniques. At the same time, the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are: 1) The problems faced by students in Arabic to Indonesian tarjamah are divided into two categories: linguistic and non-linguistic. Linguistic problems include morphological problems (shorf), syntactic problems (nahwu), semantic problems (dalalah), and restructuring problems. The non-linguistic problems are the content of the material or the form of the text being translated and the conditions when translating. 2) The solution to these problems is that students are expected to deepen and hone their linguistic skills by studying Arabic texts or literature. They are creating a calm environment, avoiding distractions, and utilizing additional resources in translation.


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