Analisis Metode Pembelajaran Maharatul Kalam Tingkatan Kmi Gontor Dan Universitas Darussalam Gontor


  • Istiqomah Istiqomah
  • Laisa Bahraini
  • Anita Verawati
  • Putri Adinda Ayudiyanti


Speaking is a very important language skill to learn, in the context of learning Arabic speaking skills are called Maharatul Kalam. There are several methods for studying this maharatul kalam, but Kulliyatul Mu'alliminal Islamiyah Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (KMI PMDG) and Darussalam University (UNIDA) Gontor already have a fixed or consistent method in learning this maharatul kalam, where the learning method is adjusted to the level. At the KMI level, educators have a conventional position by delivering material through discussion lectures and questions and answers, while at the tertiary level as cooperative which involves cooperation between students and educators. This study aims to analyze and describe the Maharatul Kalam learning method used by KMI PMDG and UNIDA so that they can find out the differences in Maharatul Kalam learning methods between the two explicitly. This study used quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach through data collection processes, observation techniques, interviews and documentation.


