Implikasi Asas Sosiologis Terhadap Kenakalan Remaja Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam


  • Agnia Meutia Firdausy
  • Rohani Sitorus Pane


The purpose of this research is to prepare a children or students to become agents of change who are able to contribute the society, because children come from society and will return to the society so, that the role of sociological principles in curriculum development is needed. This type of research uses qualitative research with library research methods. The result of this research is that the principle of sociology is one of the principles that must be considered in making the curriculum and its development, this intends to prepare students who are able to survive in the midst of social problems that arise among society. The implication that arises from curriculum development for juvenile delinquency is that the community becomes more aware and provides public services to accommodate the interests and aspirations of the younger generation so as not to go the wrong way. The impact that occurs due to the application of sociological principles in the development of the religious education curriculum is the existence of a local content curriculum as a bridge for students to the community. In accordance with the purpose of education according to sociological principles, namely to make humans or students become qualified human beings, understand and be able to build a new civilization in facing the challenges of the globalization era.


