Integration of Education and Language in making Islamic Characters: Study of the Sokola Phenomenon of Kaki Gunung in introducing Local Languages as Introduction to Education


  • M. Khoirul Hadi al- Asy Ari
  • Elisa Dourothun Nafis El Adibah
  • Syafril Wicaksono


This study aims to analyze the integration between education and language in shaping Islamic character through the study of the phenomenon of Sokola Kaki Gunung which introduces local languages as an introduction to education. Language has an important role in shaping an individual's cultural identity and character. Associated with education, language is used as an introduction to understanding science. The integration of education and language is expected to internalize the values of knowledge and apply them in everyday life, thus forming a good individual character. So with this, the researchers studied the Sokola  the foot of the mountain in Sumbercandik Hamlet, Panduman Village, Jelbuk District, Jember Regency. This is supported by the majority of  Madurese languages used so that local languages are taken as an introduction to education to make it easier for students to understand the knowledge learned to create meaningful learning. Researchers are interested to examine several things, including One why local languages are used as an introduction to education in shaping Islamic characters, Two how the implementation of local languages as an introduction to education in Sokola Kaki Gunung, Three What is the influence of local language as an introduction to education for students in Sokola Kaki Gunung. The research method used in this study uses a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the integration of education and language in the context of Sokola Gunung has succeeded in creating a more meaningful learning environment. The local language is used as a medium of daily communication between teachers and students, facilitating a deeper understanding of learning in the school. The results of this study can provide a foundation for the development of similar educational programs in different regions to optimize meaningful learning to create good students.


