Learning Arabic for Special Class Quarantine Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Center Bin Baz Islamic Boarding School


  • Qiyadah Robbaniyah
  • Roidah Lina


The quarantine program is a special program for class X Madrasah Aliyah and Salafiyah Ulya, both students who graduate from the ICBB Islamic Boarding School as well as from outside Islamic boarding schools and public junior high schools. The dormitory building and quarantine classes are separated from the students of class XI and class XII. Quarantine classes receive intensive assistance both in the dormitory and in learning activities. This program is focused on deepening Arabic and tahsin to replace the i`dad program for junior high school students not from Islamic boarding schools. So the researchers wanted to know how to learn Arabic in special quarantine classes at Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Center Bin Baz Islamic Boarding School. Qualitative research methods by collecting interview data, observation and documentation. Data analysis by collecting data, entering data into sub-sections, then analyzing the data. The results of this study are the division of the santri category into 2 groups, namely the aroby group and the tamhidi group. The learning process used uses 2 methods namely; Qowaid learning (Nahwu and shorof) is taught using the halaqoh method and Muhadasa learning uses the classical model. Activities that support learning Arabic from morning to night are; I'lan Program; Mufrodat Learning, Ilqoul Mahfudhot, Khiwar Jamai Activities, Idza'ah Activities and Court Programs. The results of the program that has been carried out by the female students have reached the desired target, around 95% of them have entered the target, both from the tamhidi and arobiy groups. Every day the ustadzah monitors in achieving further progress with the addition of more detailed materials.


