Qur'anic Edu Psikoterapi: Solusi Rehabilitasi Gangguan Mental Generasi Z Di Era Society 5.0
Being Generation Z, who grew up in the era of Society 5.0, with the rapid development of technology and globalization, faces great challenges related to mental health. Social media pressure, academic anxiety, and future worries often trigger mental disorders such as stress, anxiety, and even depression. This research aims to explore the potential of Qur'anic Edu Psychotherapy as a rehabilitation solution for mental disorders in Generation Z, focusing on the application of Islamic spiritual values in the psychotherapy approach. This research method is qualitative with a library research approach that collects data from various sources such as books, journals, and existing research based on Qur'anic teachings. The results showed that the Qur'anic Edu Psychotherapy approach, which integrates the practice of dhikr, prayer, and tawakkal, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and provide inner calm and emotional balance to individuals. This approach also strengthens the moral and spiritual foundations that support youth in facing the challenges of modern times. Based on this research, it is recommended that Qur'anic Edu Psychotherapy be integrated in psychological rehabilitation and mental education programs for Generation Z, and involve collaboration between psychologists and clerics to optimize the effectiveness of this methodology in addressing mental challenges in the Society 5.0 era. Keywords: Qur'anic Edu Psychotherapy, Mental Disorders, Rehabilitation, Islamic Psychotherapyالتنزيلات