
  • Muhammad Syamsul Arifin University of Darussalam Gontor
  • Haniatul Mabruroh University of Darussalam Gontor
  • Nuraeni Rahmawati University of Darussalam Gontor


Abstract: THE MEANING OF THE LETTER 'AMILAH IN THE BOOK BULUGHUL MARAAM: THAHARAH CHAPTER (NAHWU ANALYSIS STUDY) Nuraeni Rahmawati 442023817027   Letters have a big influence in learning nahwu to understand Arabic grammar. Letters in Arabic are very important especially in analysing meaning. Such as the emergence of books of tafsir and translations of various prophetic hadiths so that legal conclusions can be drawn in the science of fiqh. This is proof that letters play an important role in the meaning of Arabic words to this day. One of the Nahwu rules studied is Al-Huruf Al-'amilah. With that, the author wants to analyse Ma'ani Al-Huruf Al-'amilah and the book Bulughul Maraam: Chapter Thaharah by Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar Al-'asqolaani. Because the book is a book in which there are hadiths on the subject of fiqh law. The objectives of the research are: 1) Knowing the Ma'na of Letter 'Amilah in the book Bulughul Maraam: Chapter Thaharah. This research uses a type of literature review research with descriptive methods. For data collection using documentation. And to analyse the data the author will analyse Ma'ani Al-Huruf Al-'amilah in the book Bulughul Maraam: Chapter Thaharah by using steps in content analysis in 3 steps, namely: data classification, data analysis, and conclusion drawing. The results obtained in this study are: 1) Ma'ani Letter Amilah in the book Bulughul Maraam: Chapter Thaharah in terms of Asma' Tujzam Af'al (in the ma'na "inna") in the letter "man" amounted to 6 ma'na, in terms of Tunshobu Fi'lu Mudhorik Letter in the letter "an" amounted to 3 ma'na, in terms of Al-'af'al An-naaqisoh in the letter "kaana" amounted to 7 ma'na, in terms of Al-musyabahah Al-fi'l letters in the letter "in" amounted to 4 ma'na, in terms of Tujzam Al-fi'li Mudhorik letters in the letter "laam Amri" amounted to 1 ma'na, in terms of tujarru Ism wahid letters in the letter "al-ba'" amounted to 10 ma'na. After the researcher conducted his research, the researcher gave advice to researchers afterwards, especially those who discussed Ma'ani Letter Amilah. So it is required to master the learning of nahwu science, especially regarding Al-Huruf Al-'amilah and its meaning, with the aim of knowing the changes in the harakat I'rob seen at the end of the sentence. And in understanding the science of Fiqh, the science of Nahwu is needed to know the ma'na of letters Amilah and its effect on the conclusion of Fiqh law.


