Formulasi nugget jamur tiram sebagai makanan selingan rendah lemak dan tinggi serat


  • Purbowati Purbowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Sugeng Maryanto Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Puji Afiatna Universitas Ngudi Waluyo



Ayam, jamur tiram, kadar lemak, kadar serat, nugget.


Latar belakang: Nugget merupakan makanan selingan berbahan dasar daging ayam atau daging sapi sehingga mengandung lemak yang tinggi dan serat rendah. Jamur tiram mengandung serat tinggi dan mempunyai tekstur dan cita rasa menyerupai daging ayam. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat kesukaan, kadar lemak dan kadar serat pada formulasi nugget ayam substitusi jamur tiram. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental yaitu membuat tiga formulasi nugget yaitu formula (1) nugget berbahan dasar ayam 100%, formula (2) nugget berbahan dasar ayam 50% jamur tiram 50%, formula (3) nugget berbahan dasar jamur tiram 100%. Uji tingkat kesukaan dilakukan pada 30 panelis agak terlatih dengan metode skoring (skor 1 = sangat tidak suka, 2 = tidak suka, 3 = suka, 4 = sangat suka, 5 = sangat suka sekali). Analisis kadar lemak dengan metode hidrolisis asam-Soxhlet, sedangkan analisis kadar serat dengan metode acid detergent fiber (ADF). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil: Hasil uji tingkat kesukaan sebagai berikut, skor untuk formula (1) tekstur 100, rasa 98, warna 102, aroma 99. Skor untuk formula (2) tekstur 97, rasa 99, warna 98, aroma 97. Skor untuk formula (3) tekstur 83, rasa 72, warna 82, aroma 73. Pada penelitian ini formula nugget dapat dikatakan diterima atau disukai jika skor masing-masing komponen paling sedikit 90. Hasil analisis kadar lemak pada formula (1), (2), dan (3) adalah 16,6%, 16,3%, 14,4%. Sedangkan hasil analisis kadar serat pada formula (1), (2), dan (3) adalah 3,8%, 5,4%, 7,0%. Kesimpulan: Nugget yang paling disukai adalah formula (1) dan yang paling tidak disukai yaitu formula (3). Nugget yang mengandung kadar lemak paling tinggi dan kadar serat paling rendah adalah formula (1). Sedangkan nugget yang mengandung kadar lemak paling rendah dan kadar serat paling tinggi adalah formula (3).Background: Nugget is a snack made from chicken or beef which contains high fat and low fiber. Oyster mushrooms are high in fiber and have a texture and taste similar to chicken meat. Purpose: This study aims to determine the level of preference, fat and fiber content in the formulation of oyster mushroom substitute chicken nugget. Method: The experimental research method is making three nugget formulations, namely formula (1) nuggets made from 100% chicken, formula (2) nuggets made from chicken 50%, oyster mushrooms 50%, formula (3) nuggets made from 100% oyster mushrooms. The preference level test to 30 panelists are not trained by the scoring method (score 1 = very dislike, 2=dislike, 3=normal, 4=like, 5=very like). Analysis of fat content using Soxhlet-acid hydrolysis method, while analysis of fiber content using acid detergent fiber (ADF) method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Results: The results of the test of preference level were as follows, the score for formula (1) texture 100, taste 98, color 102, aroma 99. The score for formula (2) texture 97, taste 99, color 98, aroma 97. The score for formula (3) texture 83, taste 72, color 82, aroma 73. In this study, the nugget formula can be accepted or approved if each component is at least 90. The results of the analysis of fat content in formulas (1), (2), and (3) were 16,6%, 16,3%, 14,4%. While the results of the analysis of fiber content in formulas (1), (2), and (3) were 3,8%, 5,4%, 7,0%, respectively. Conclusion: The most preferred formula is formula (1) and the formula that is least approved is formula (3). The formula that contains the highest protein and the lowest protein content is formula (1). Whereas the nugget that contains the lowest fat and the highest fiber content is formula (3). 


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