
  • Muhammad Pambudi Prakoso


Kata Kunci:

TKI, Overstay, Diplomacy, Amnesty, Government of Indonesia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This study analyzes the eflorts of Indonesian diplomacy in dealing with the problems of overstayers Indonesian Workers (TKI) in Saudi Arabia. Overstayers TKIs are Indonesian workers who exceed the residence permit limit in Saudi Arabia. Several reasons for migrant workers in Saudi Arabia to become overstayed, include migrants who run away from employers  so that they become illegal migrants, ex-pilgrims who work illegally, and Indonesian citizens who enter on a visitor visa, calling visa or calling work visa to work at Saudi Arabia. Overstayers TKIs in Saudi Arabia face immigration problems. They do not have complete documents to work in Saudi Arabia, so they are declared illegal migrant workers and do not get social security and legal protection. The condition of overstayers TKI who were displaced under the Kandara bridge in Jeddah as well as in shelters that are not fit to be in the public spotlight. The Indonesian government is demanded to immediately address the overstayers TKI problem. The concept used in this research is diplomacy. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This study aims to determine the problems of overstayers TKI, as well as Indonesia’s diplomacy eflorts in dealing with these problems. From the results of the study, it was found that the eflorts made by the Government of Indonesia were to conduct diplomacy against the government of Saudi Arabia to request amnesty (forgiveness) for all overstayers TKIs as well as the ease of returning the troubled migrant workers back to Indonesia. The overstayers TKI handling program in 2011 was gradual repatriation of 7,926 people with a repatriation scheme using commercial aircraft and ships “KM. Labobar”. 


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