Journal of Islam and International Affairs2024-08-12T17:24:32+07:00Dwi Journal Systems<p>Dauliyah is Journal of International Relations Journal UNIDA Gontor (ISSN : 2477-5460 E-ISSN : 2528-5106). Dauliyah is taken from Arabic which means countries or international. This journal contains articles related to International Issues and Islam, in accordance with the slogan of UNIDA Gontor namely Islamization, we are from International Relations here to accommodate articles relating to Islamic and International Issues. </p> <p>Dauliyah Journal has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia and indexed with the grade <strong>"Sinta 4 or S4"</strong> for five years (2020-2025) in Science and Technology Index (<a title="SINTA Dauliyah" href="" target="_self">SINTA</a>) by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI).</p> Implementation of Yana Arthashastra in The Indo-Pacific Region Through The AUKUS Agreement2024-01-05T16:53:56+07:00Herlina Tria<p><em>This article aims to explain the United States strategy in balancing China's dominance in the Indo-Pacific region through forming strategy balancing China's dominance in the Indo-Pacific region through the formation of the AUKUS alliance as a security pact in the Indo-Pacific area. The discussion in this article focuses on the US strategy to balance China's influence in the Indo-Pacific. To explain this problem, the author uses the Yana strategy, namely the foreign entitled Arthashstra. Yana's policy is the policy of being ready to attack. Yana's policies will later be linked to the values of the balance of power concept in modern international relations. Kautilya mentioned that peace and stability in a country strengthen it but never avoid attacks and war. Therefore, countries must be prepared to face war, which could occur at any time and the importance of alliances to safeguard their national interests. The author argues that AUKUS was a US strategy to reduce China's military influence in the region. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through literature study. The research results show that the US helping Australia develop the capability to build nuclear-powered submarines locally in Adelaide, which will strengthen Australia in the Indo-Pacific region, is a US strategy. Therefore, this strategy means that the US can avoid dealing with China, which could lead to confrontation. Through cooperation with Australia, the US can demonstrate its presence internationally to safeguard its national interests.</em></p>2024-08-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herlina Tria Sukmawati'S DEFENSE STRATEGY IN DEALING WITH POTENTIAL THREATS FROM CHINA IN THE ASIA PACIFIC REGION2024-05-15T16:32:27+07:00Abyan Dhamar<p>The AUKUS alliance, a three-way strategic defence partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, was announced with the aim of building a nuclear submarine fleet. The research method used in this analysis is a qualitative approach, focusing on foreign policy studies and literature reviews related to geopolitical relations in the Asia-Pacific region. The author uses the concept of foreign policy to understand how the threat from China affects Australia's security strategy. The strategy aims to better position Australia to contribute to regional security and stability, as China’s increasing self-sufficiency and the risk of military conflict between major powers in the Indo-Pacific region increase. The document provides a grim assessment of security in the Pacific and sets out a massive increase in defence expenditures to restructure the Australian military to cope with the changing security environment in Asia-Pacific. The review also focuses on the operationalization of a deterrence by a denial strategy, which includes the acquisition of a more powerful and lethal long-range attack capability and the upgrading of Australian northern bases to force rotations. This strategy emphasizes the importance of suppressing China's "competitive tactics" through a combination of military capabilities, diplomacy and alliances with traditional partners.</p>2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abyan Dhamar Averill Insurgency: A Case Study of the Taliban Insurgency and Its Success in the Afghan War in 20212024-02-02T10:03:51+07:00Muhammad Izzu<p><em>This article will try to analyze the strategy played by the Taliban insurgency group in the success of winning its insurgency in the Afghan conflict against the government and its international coalition, namely the US. The results of the study show that the success of the Taliban in winning the Afghan conflict is inseparable from the Taliban's ability to integrate various strategic instruments both military and non-military forces to support its insurgency. In this case, besides relying on military power, the Taliban cleverly launched a softer strategy (soft power) both by means of diplomacy, the use of social media to conduct propaganda and other softer ways. All of this was attempted for no other reason than to seek support for the legitimacy of the Taliban's insurgency movement.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Strategy, Soft power, Insurgency, Taliban, Afghanistan.</p>2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Izzu Saukani Dynamics and Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Law in Indonesia2024-06-12T21:46:09+07:00Dyah Syifa<p> </p> <p>Cases of domestic violence in Indonesia are still relatively high, even though it is known that the law governing it has existed since 2004. Then how are the main objectives that the law wants to achieve in dealing with cases of domestic violence and its effectiveness. In this literature review, researchers used a normative descriptive method supported by data in the form of books, journals, and other relevant research. The result is that the main purpose of the PKDRT law is to maintain the integrity of a harmonious and prosperous household, this is not in line with the sanctions given so that it has a negative impact on the perpetrators and victims who both have family relationships. Then another effort that is more in line with this law is restorative justice with certain considerations. Restorative justice is an implementation of past Islamic law that has been exemplified by the Prophet and his companions. Meanwhile, according to its effectiveness, Indonesian society has not effectively implemented this PKDRT Law due to a weak legal culture and legal awareness.</p> <p> </p>2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Syifa Herawati OF NATO'S MILITARY AID TO UKRAINE'S MILITARY POWER IN 2022-20232024-05-15T14:46:50+07:00Joel<p><em>This study aims to answer the question of why foreign military aid, especially from NATO, was given to Ukraine during the 2022-2023. Through a qualitative approach and the concept of Foreign Military Aid, this study analyzes the motivations behind such military aid and its impact on Ukraine's military power. Taking into account the role of non-military forces and civilian participation, the study also explores why NATO want to give a hand in foreign military aid for Ukraine who has affected the dynamics of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. As such, the study provides in-depth insight into the factors driving NATO to provide military assistance to Ukraine in the context of the ongoing conflict in which NATO seeks to maintain NATO's good name and keep stem Russian hegemony in Eastern Europe.</em></p>2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Joel Siburian Travel Ban Policy on 6 Muslim Countries as Attempt of Donald Trump Government in Counter-Terrorism in 20172024-08-05T13:28:37+07:00Ida<p><em>This research is a U.S. foreign policy review of Travel Ban policy during Donald J. Trump's 2017 administration. The travel ban policy, United States imposes policies on Muslim-majority countries as an attempt to reduce the entry of immigrants into the U.S. This research aims to discuss the aspects that led to the United States Travel Ban policy against immigrants from Muslim countries where immigrants entering the United States are considering be able to influence the stability of American security. This research will use the concept of national security, which will explain the security priorities of the U.S. state, one of which is to protect the country from terror attacks. The idea of foreign policy is used to analyze how the policy can be implemented by the U.S. This research, uses the qualitative method with data collection technique through library research. The results of this research showed that in travel ban policy-making, there are several revisions until approved by the Supreme Court taking into account various aspects by stakeholders and its works on reducing the immigrant entry into the U.S. especially from Muslim countries</em></p>2024-08-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Susilo Wati