
  • Andi Amytia Resty Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta



Kata Kunci:

Disaster Diplomacy, Paradiplomacy, South Sulawesi, Aus-tralia


One of the disaster problems in South Sulawesi region is the atti-tude of non-responsive disaster from the local community caused by the disaster that happened still in small scale. Whereas the disaster happened continuously causing big loss for local government. Therefore, one of the government’s efforts to overcome the problem by establishing cooperation through paradiplomacy approach with the Australian government, both of which have similar patterns of disaster. This research uses descriptive qualitative method to describe the facts of cooperation by applying the the-ory of disaster diplomacy and paradiplomacy. While data collection tech-niques used through library research and in-depth interview both from the local government of South Sulawesi and the Australian government. The results of this study illustrate that the cooperation undertaken by the local government of South Sulawesi and Australia runs smoothly. Through the cooperation, the local government of South Sulawesi gained new knowl-edge on disaster issues both pre-disaster and post-disaster. This has impli-cations for the opening of cooperation opportunities in investment in the sector of regional infrastructure and energy sector.



Buku dan Artikel:

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Fargher,John, Australia “Indonesia Facility For Disaster Reduction” :

Independent Progress Review, Jakarta, 2012

Goyet, Claude de Ville de, “Data Against Natural Disaster : Establish-ing Effective Systems For Relief, Recovery and Reconstruction”, Washington DC , The World Bank, 2008

Herningtyas,Ratih, Surwandono , Artikel Jurnal The First Postgrad-uate Research Conference Improving Human Life: “Indone-sia’s Diplomacy In Disaster Issue: How To Capitalize Disaster As Soft Diplomacy” , Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadi-yah Yogyakarta, 2013

Jatmika,Sidik, “Otonomi Daerah Perspektif Hubungan Internasional”, Yogyakarta, 2001, Bigraf Publishing

Moral, Roger Del, Lawrence R.Walker, “Environmental Disaster, Natural Recovery and Human Responses”, United States of America, Cambridge University Press, 2007

Mukti,Takdir Ali, “Paradiplomacy: Kerjasama Luar Negeri Oleh Pem-da Di Indonesia”, Yogyakarta, The Phinisi Press Yogyakarta, 2013

Ramroth, Willam G. t,JR , “Planning For Disaster : How Natural and Manmade Disasters Shape the Built Environment”, United States of America, Kaplan Publishing, 2007


Renstra BPBD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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RPJMD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan


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