Peer-Review Policy

Peer Review Policy for Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS)


Peer review is an essential component of the scholarly publishing process at Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS). Our peer review policy ensures the quality, accuracy, and integrity of the research published in our journal. The process involves subjecting submitted manuscripts to rigorous evaluation by experts in the relevant field, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and maintaining high academic standards.

Peer Review Process:

Upon submission, all manuscripts undergo an initial assessment by the editorial team to ensure they meet the journal's scope, formatting, and ethical standards.

Manuscripts that pass the initial assessment are assigned to at least two independent peer reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.

Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, significance, methodology, validity of results, and overall contribution to the field.

Reviewers provide constructive feedback and recommend one of the following decisions: Accept, Minor Revisions, Major Revisions, or Reject. In cases of conflicting recommendations, a third reviewer may be involved.

Authors are given the opportunity to respond to reviewers' comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. Revised manuscripts may be sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation.

The editorial team makes the final decision based on reviewers' recommendations, the author's responses, and the manuscript's overall quality.

Peer Reviewer Selection:

Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and academic credentials in the relevant field.

Reviewers' identities are kept confidential during the peer review process, unless the reviewer chooses to reveal their identity.

Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) values diversity and aims to engage reviewers from different geographical locations and academic backgrounds.

Ethical Considerations:

Reviewers are expected to provide unbiased, objective, and timely assessments of manuscripts.

Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to provide an impartial review.

Reviewers should treat manuscripts and authors' work with confidentiality and respect, refraining from using or sharing unpublished content for personal gain.

Feedback and Communication:

Reviewers' comments are shared with authors, providing constructive feedback to improve the quality of the manuscript.

Authors are encouraged to engage constructively with reviewers' comments and revise their work accordingly.

Authors can appeal the editorial decision if they believe the review process was unfair or biased.

Recognition and Appreciation:

Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) acknowledges the valuable contributions of peer reviewers to the scholarly community and the journal's quality standards.

Reviewers may receive recognition through certificates, acknowledgment in published articles, and invitations to join the journal's editorial board.

Continuous Improvement:

Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) is committed to continuously improving the peer review process based on feedback from authors, reviewers, and the academic community.

By participating in the peer review process, reviewers contribute to the integrity and credibility of published research in Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) .

For any inquiries or to express interest in becoming a peer reviewer, please contact the editorial team at