Post Publication Policy

At Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS), we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and ethical publishing. Our Post Publication Policy outlines the procedures for handling post-publication critiques, comments, and concerns raised by readers, authors, or the scientific community. We acknowledge the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in their flowchart on "Handling post-publication critiques."

1. Submitting Post Publication Critiques:

1.1. Readers, authors, or members of the scientific community are encouraged to submit post-publication critiques, comments, or concerns to the editorial office of Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS).

1.2. Post-publication critiques should be submitted in writing, providing specific details about the issues raised, the article in question, and any supporting evidence.

2. Initial Assessment:

2.1. The editorial team will review the submitted post-publication critique to determine its validity and significance.

2.2. If the critique raises substantial concerns about the scientific validity, accuracy, or ethics of the published article, the editorial team will initiate a formal evaluation process.

3. Formal Evaluation:

3.1. The editorial team will assess the post-publication critique and may seek input from relevant experts, reviewers, and authors to determine the merit of the concerns raised.

3.2. If necessary, the journal may involve an independent committee or expert reviewers to ensure an objective evaluation.

4. Communication with Authors:

4.1. If the post-publication critique is found to have merit, the authors of the original article will be informed about the concerns raised and provided with an opportunity to respond.

4.2. Authors will be given a reasonable timeframe to address the issues raised and provide explanations, corrections, or additional information.

5. Decision and Resolution:

5.1. After reviewing the authors' response, the editorial team will make a decision regarding the appropriate course of action.

5.2. Depending on the severity of the concerns, potential actions may include publishing an erratum, issuing a correction, expression of concern, or even considering a retraction if serious ethical or scientific breaches are identified.

6. Transparency and Communication:

6.1. If a correction, expression of concern, or retraction is deemed necessary, it will be clearly communicated to readers, authors, and the scientific community.

6.2. The journal will publish a notice explaining the nature of the post-publication critique, the actions taken, and any relevant corrections or clarifications.

7. Appeals:

7.1. Authors have the right to appeal the editorial decision regarding post-publication critiques.

7.2. Appeals will be considered by a separate appeals committee, consisting of impartial experts, to ensure a fair and unbiased review.

8. Educational Approach:

8.1. Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) is committed to using post-publication critiques as opportunities for learning and improvement.

8.2. The journal will provide resources, workshops, and guidelines to help authors, reviewers, and readers better understand the importance of post-publication critique in maintaining research integrity.

9. Reporting and Records:

9.1. Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) will maintain accurate records of all post-publication critiques, assessments, and actions taken, ensuring transparency and accountability.

10. Conclusion:

Indonesian Journal of Islamization Studies (INJAS) values the feedback and engagement of the scientific community in maintaining the integrity of the research published in our journal. Our Post Publication Policy outlines our commitment to addressing post-publication critiques in a fair, transparent, and ethical manner, while upholding the principles of research integrity and responsible publishing.