
  • Baraat Ismael FaqeAbdulla College of Education, Salahaddin University, Iraq



Analysis, Effectiveness, English Language, Lesson Plan, Pre-service Teachers, Structure


Planning is required for a successful teaching-learning process. It is like a series of related activities that scaffold the learner because each step depends on the one before it. Therefore, it is believed that raising effective teachers requires developing their planning skills. The goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of lesson plans developed by English language student-teachers at Salahaddin University's College of Education. The written lesson plans that the preservice teachers submitted were assessed using a checklist made up of the essential elements of good lesson planning. The sample included 40 lesson plans that were created by preservice teachers. The chosen lesson plans were examined using quantitative content analysis, mainly descriptive statistics, to find out the mean, median, and standard deviation. The findings imply that better guidance and instruction may be needed for preservice teachers to effectively plan lessons. To write better lesson plans, pre-service teachers need teacher training programs. The research's conclusions showed that pre-service teachers are aware of the significance of lesson planning, but they encountered some challenges while doing so. As a result, creating a lesson plan became difficult. Further research will also enable us to learn more about how we can support the effective lesson-planning abilities of our future teachers.


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