Theorizing of Islamic Human Resources Management in University of Darussalam Gontor : Grounded Research Method
In the context of Islamic higher education, developing HRD based on an Islamic worldview is also the key to implementing comprehensive teaching, learning, and active relationship activities. This research aims to explain, identify, and provide an understanding of human concepts with an Islamic worldview, the process of Islamization, and the application of Islamic human resource development in higher education (IHRD). This study is categorized as a qualitative approach using grounded research methods. The data was selected and analyzed using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding that offers concepts (IHRD). The results show that the implementation of IHRD at UNIDA which simultaneously uses Islamization practices is a series of Total Devote Management (TDM) approaches. TDM is an effort to develop humans with a set of values and is processed based on the five souls, strengthened by the educational process (academic, non-academic, four pillars of education, and eight educational integrations), and has the goal of becoming human beings. Both the foundation, building, and goals are achieved together and form an integrated whole.
Cara Mengutip
Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Fuad Mas’ud, Khoirul Umam, Rakhmad Agung Hidayatullah, & Usmanul Khakim. (2025). Theorizing of Islamic Human Resources Management in University of Darussalam Gontor : Grounded Research Method. Proceedings of Femfest International Conference on Economics, Management, and Business, 2(2), 55–65. Diambil dari