Tes Kompetensi Bersastra Dalam Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab


  • Muhammad Ilyas Alkayisy UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Wawan Gunawan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Abstract: Literary competency tests in learning Arabic do not stand alone, but only have a small portion in the Arabic learning tests. Whereas literary tests need to be held to find out students' deep understanding of Arabic. The purpose of this article was to find out the basic concepts of literature, to find out about literature in learning Arabic, and to find out literary competence tests in learning Arabic. This article specifically discusses literary competency tests in evaluating Arabic learning. The method of article is library research, which takes data sources from literary theories. The results of the discussion show that (1) Literature is an expression of ideas, ideas, experiences and human feelings through written or oral works in imaginative forms that are conveyed by upholding the value of beauty. (2) Literary activities in learning Arabic can be categorized into four stages, namely information, concepts, perspectives, and appreciation. (3) The test instrument for testing literary competence is the same as the linguistic and language competency test instrument, differing in terms of content. The answers demanded by the test questions can be in the form of selecting answers and compiling their own answers. The implications of this article have contributed to the convenience of teachers in compiling and developing literary competency tests in learning Arabic.
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