Reconstruction Of Islamic Religious Education As A Cyberbullying Solution For Student
This study aims to find solutions to the problem of cyberbullying in students through Islamic Religious Education (IRE). The approach used is content analysis. In contrast, the data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model. The results of the study indicate that the current Islamic Religious Education (IRE) needs to be reconstructed in several aspects, including theological, philosophical, substantive aspects, methodologies, and learning systems, so that the Rahmah Lil Alamin religion of Islam is not accepted as it is, but is understood intelligently and contextual so that it is functional with the dynamics of the times. In this case, Islamic Religious Education (IRE) can solve cyberbullying behavior in increasingly familiar students with the technology. The reconstructions offered are; 1) theologically, philosophically, and substantively that the objectives, directions, materials, and characteristics of the Islamic Religious Education (IRE) curriculum are accepted as being religious, then the IRE materials become contextual, and the curriculum becomes integrated with other materials. 2) Methodologically, Islamic religious education needs to be reconstructed from a material-centered, normative, and doctrinal learning model of Islamic Religious Education into an integrated learning model.