Kultur Pesantren: Backround Kyai, Output Santri, Dan Marketable Pesantren
This journal article attempts to describe the culture of the pesantren from the point of view of the Kyai's background, the output of the students after graduating from the pesantren and the selling points of the pesantren itself. Kyai is a central figure in an Islamic boarding school that influences many things on the life of the santri, both from the spiritual side to the hobbies and interests of the santri. The output of the santri itself also has a lot of influence on society. Marketable pesantren are now also starting to be in the spotlight, so that if in the past people included their children because of the strong figure of a kyai in society, now people are starting to view importance and need to see the marketability of the pesantren itself before sending their children to Islamic boarding schools. Because of that, these three things are something that cannot be compartmentalized, considering that these three big things are now the focus of the community for a pesantren in particular and pesantren in general.References
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