Navigating the Digital Age: Strategies for Modernizing Pesantren Education with the Islamic Worldview of Darussalam Gontor University
Pesantren is a distinctive religious education institution in Indonesia, especially Java, which has become a well-established institution in the community. They are generally recognized for studying religion and using Arabic and English as their study language. So that the student are in a multilingual education situation. Indonesia has entered the era of modernization, where Modernization is a process of change towards a more advanced or modern society, by leaving the traditional era. So in the pesantren modernization will also run properly, Modernization in pesantren is an important process that aims to update and improve the traditional education system to make it more relevant to the needs of the times. This research serves as the Pesantren Education Modernization Strategy with an Islamic Worldview, which collects data about students' understanding of navigating the digital era during modernization. This research focuses on reviewing the analysis of understanding from pesantren literature on research on understanding Islamic views in the era of modernization and then supported by interviews or questionnaires in several female students. The findings of this study reveal that there are several references or strategies that can be the basis of understanding the Islamic view of modernization in pesantren such as the book islamic worldview, misykat and minhaj which are presented through the MIF and SIF agenda to female students at Pesantren Darussalam Gontor University which can affect their perspective and Islamization of knowledge in the era of modernization which focuses on the purpose of education in pesantrenDownloads