Strategic Management in Revitalizing Kitab Kuning Learning in the Digital Era: A Study at the Darul Falah Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School
Islamic boarding school education in Indonesia plays an important role in the preservation and teaching of the Kitab Kuning as an Islamic intellectual heritage. However, the development of digital technology requires pesantren to formulate the right managerial strategy so that the learning of the Kitab Kuning remains relevant in the modern era. The Darul Falah Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School faces challenges in revitalizing the learning of the Kitab Kuning to answer the needs of the times. This study aims to analyze the management strategies applied in the revitalization of Kitab Kuning learning at the Darul Falah Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School in the digital era. The research method used is a qualitative approach with case studies. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with caregivers, teachers, and students, as well as observations of the learning process in Islamic boarding schools. Data analysis was carried out using thematic analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School has implemented a management strategy that includes the use of digital technology, a learning moodle platform, to support the learning process of the yellow book. Nevertheless, the challenges in mastering technology by teachers and students and the importance of maintaining tradition remain a concern. The revitalization of Kitab Kuning learning with this technology- based strategy has been proven to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of learning in Islamic boarding schools. Keywords: Strategic management, Learning revitalization, Yellow book, Digital era, educational technologyDownloads