Analisis Pembelajaran Durussulughah Mahasiswa Kelas Matrikulasi di Universitas Darussalam Gontor
This research was motivated by the problems felt by matriculation class students in learning Durusullughah. Therefore, researchers took the initiative to conduct research on the Durusullughah learning process. This research aims to describe in general Durusullughah learning, starting from the planning, process and evaluation of learning in the matriculation class at Darussalam Gontor University. This research uses a qualitative case study type approach. The samples in this study were matriculation class students and lecturers teaching Durusullughah material. The data collection instruments used were interviews and observation. The results of this research show that 1) Durusullughah's learning planning was very well prepared by the lecturer who taught the material, the teacher used the direct method in his learning and also the drill method in his evaluation, 2) The learning process went well, with practice time dominating rather than learning time, 3) Durusullughah learning evaluation is divided into 2 forms, namely the form of practice at the end of learning hours and also the exam at the end of the semester in the form of a written test. Keywords: Durusullughah Learning, Qualitative Case Study, Matriculation Class.Downloads