Pendekatan Pemaknaan Kitab Kuning: Studi Komparatif di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang dan Madrasah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Panjang Lampasi Payakumbuh
This study discusses the approach to interpreting the turats book in two Islamic boarding schools with different cultural backgrounds and locations, namely the Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang Islamic Boarding School in East Java and the Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Panjang Lampasi Payakumbuh Islamic Boarding School in West Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in methods and strategies applied in each Islamic boarding school in understanding classical texts or turats books. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach with observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang Islamic Boarding School tends to use traditional methods that emphasize grammatical approaches and in-depth analysis of linguistic aspects. In contrast, Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Panjang Lampasi Payakumbuh Islamic Boarding School focuses more on a contextual approach, emphasizing the understanding of meaning using Minang language and a distinctive language style for the function of words in perfect sentences. Although there are differences in methods, both Islamic boarding schools have the same goal in producing students who are able to understand and apply religious values comprehensively. This study contributes to providing insight into the variation in the approach to the meaning of the turats book in Islamic boarding schools with different cultural backgrounds and locations. Keywords: Approach, Meaning, Heritage BookDownloads