Analisis Teknik Penerjemahan Abstrak Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Implementasinya Terhadap Keakuratan Penerjemahan


  • Yasmin Afifah Universitas Gajah Mada
  • Sajarwa Universitas Gajah Mada


This study aims to analyze the translation technique and the accuracy of translating academic texts in the form of abstracts from Indonesian to Arabic or vice versa in structural aspects, techniques in semantic aspects and accuracy, then the researcher gives feedback in the form of evaluation. This study uses a qualitative method with content analysis. The source of the data in this study came from a collection of thesis abstracts for students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program Semester VIII 2021, Education Faculty, Darussalam Gontor University. The research data is in the form of verbal expressions resulting from the translation of Arabic into Indonesian if the reference is in Arabic and Indonesian to Arabic if the reference is in Indonesian. The results showed 344 techniques were identified, with 6 forms of translation techniques that emerged from authentic texts translated by students. Based on the techniques found, it can be emphasized that the translation tends to the source text (TS). From the aspect of using the academic term Arabic as the target language (TL) using borrowing techniques with transliteration and naturalization and the calque technique in Indonesian as the source language, the translation is standard and clear, the distribution of meaning and the selection of the right translation technique, although errors are still found in the aspects of structure and semantic meaning.


