ممارسة معاجلة نفايات تاهو بمعهد الرسالة العرصي فونوروكو يف منظور فقه ابليئة


  • Muhammad Syifaurrosyidin Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Mulyono Jamal Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Helmy Fauzy Ahmad Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Muhammad Rizki Hafidz Nur Ihsan Universitas Darussalam Gontor

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Waste Management, Fikih Al-Bi’ah, Pesantren Business Unit.


The tofu waste that is thrown away carelessly without prior treatment, it will result in unpleasant odors, disrupted scenery, decreased environmental aesthetics, and increased mosquito breeding. Therefore, the presence of Fiqh al-Biah, which is part of contemporary fiqh issues oriented to address various environmental issues from a more practical perspective by providing legal guidelines and regulations related to the environment, is essential. This research aims to investigate the waste processing practices of tofu Arrisalah Islamic International College, and to examine these practices from the perspective of Fiqh al-Biah. In this study, the researcher employed a qualitative field research approach. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation. After gathering the data, the researcher utilized a descriptive analytical method with an inductive mindset to understand the practices of tofu waste processing from the perspective of Fiqh al-Biah. From this research, it is concluded that the tofu waste management implemented at Arrisalah Islamic International College adheres to solid waste management through several aspects: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Meanwhile, liquid waste management is conducted through various stages, such as utilizing bio-septic tank ponds for bio gas production and larger septic tanks for stabilization processes, which can later be utilized for plant irrigation and fertilization. Overall, the tofu factory established by Arrisalah Islamic International College has implemented effective waste management practices in accordance with environmental jurisprudence. This compliance is based on the fundamental principles of obligation in environmental conservation


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