Ateisme dalam Perspektif Barat dan Timur


  • Tonny Ilham Prayogo Youth Islamic Center (YIC) Bekasi



Atheism, West, East, Science, God.


This article departs from an assumption regarding atheism is actually a part of ‎belief rejects the existence of God. Question about God is always interesting to be ‎discussed, in the case of some people believe in the existence of God and some others ‎reject it. So it is not surprising to find terms of theism (believe in God) and atheism (not ‎believing in God) altogether. This study initiated from Western and Eastern thought ‎about divinity and how they prove God’s existence. Western perspective is affirmed to ‎reject an existence of God. God is merely an abstract and has nothing to do with the ‎creation of the universe. While according to Eastern perspective, they believe in the ‎existence of God through a rational arguments that can be accepted by reason. ‎Accordingly, there are argumentations for sciences, knowledge, and nature creation ‎interrelated to an existence of Creator behind and that is “God". Based on this ‎research, it is understood that Islam describes God’s existence by combining reason ‎with faith under the guidance of al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah in order not to violate ‎Shari'a.‎


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How to Cite

Prayogo, T. I. (2019). Ateisme dalam Perspektif Barat dan Timur. Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama Dan Pemikiran Islam, 17(1), 105–120.


