Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Guatemala, Peru, Price Range System, World Trade OrganizationsAbstract
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that facilitates international cooperation in the field of economy and trade. The position of the WTO as an international regime to date certainly has an important influence in the context of a country's national economic progress. In addition, the World Trade Organization has a function to resolve trade disputes experienced by its member states. One of the disputes faced was Peru's price range system on agricultural products that were considered detrimental to Guatemala in the two countries' free trade agreements. This is evidenced by the violation of Article 4.2 by Peru, namely the determination of additional import costs is not allowed in an agreement and is not an ordinary customs duty. Based on the above issues, the authors try to see how the WTO facilitates the implementation of negotiations between the two sides based on the concept of dispute settlement mechanism. Later in obtaining the data source, the author browses news, international trade documents, WTO norms and official statements relating to the topic of this research online. The article found that the WTO established a panel as a mediator to resolve the trade dispute and asserted that Peru had violated international trade norms applicable to the WTO and this was a permanent decision to be exercised by Peru.
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Chigavazira, F. (2016). The Regulation of Agricultural Subsidies in the World Trade Organization Framework : A Developing Countries Perspective . Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing.
Corbin, A. S. (1998). Basic of Qualitative Research : Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. California: Sage Publications.
Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mix Methods Approaches. California: Sage Publications.
Folker, J. S. (2002). Theories of International Cooperation and the Primacy of Anarchy : Explaining U.S International Policy-Making After Bretton Woods . New York: State University of New York.
Gardner, R. N. (1956). Sterling–Dollar Diplomacy: Anglo-American Collaboration in the Reconstruction of Multilateral Trade. Clarendon Press.
Gusnaw, A. &. (2002). To Settle or Empanel? An Empirical Analysis of Litigation and Settlement at the World Trade Organization. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2005.
Hudec, R. E. (2000). Like product: the differences in meaning in GATT Articles I and III. In
P. C. Thomas Cottier, Regulatory Barriers and the Principle of Non-discrimination in World Trade Law (p. 101). University of Michigan Press.
Hudec, R. E. (2010). Developing countries in the GATT legal system. Cambridge University Press.
Hyun, J. H. (2012). Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Preferential Trade Agreements: Democracy, Boilerplates, and the Multilateral Trade Regime. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1041–1068.
International Bussiness Publishing of USA. (2015). Peru : Investment and Business Guide.
Washington D.C: International Bussiness Publishing.
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. (2015, July 23). WTO Appellate Body Grants Guatemala Victory in Peru Agriculture Duties Case. Retrieved from body-grants-guatemala-victory-in-peru-agriculture-duties
International Monetary Fund. (2017, April 19). The IMF and World Trade Organization.
Retrieved from the-World-Trade-Organization
Layton, D. &. (2014, December 3). WTO Panel Rejects Peru’s “Price Range System” For Import Duties. Retrieved from panel-rejects-perus-price-range-system-for-imp#_edn1
Long, O. (1985). Law and Its Limitations in the GATT Multilateral Trade System.
Miles, T. (2013, April 15). Guatemala takes Peru to WTO over agricultural import levy.
Retrieved from dispute-idUSL5N0D21U420130415
Obida, I. D. (2018). African Trade Growth or Trade Deficit: GATT/WTO Rules as Trojan
Horse on African Trade Development. World Journal of Research and Review, 70-89.
Organization of American States. (2011). Foreign Trade Information System, Information on Peru, Trade Agreements’. Retrieved from
Organization, W. T. (2015, July 31). DS457 Peru-Additional Duty on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products. Retrieved from
Reinhardt, E. (2000). Aggressive Multilateralism: The Determinants of GATT/WTO Dispute Initiation. Working Paper.
Rissy, Y. Y. (2012). Effectiviness of The World Trade Organizations’s Dispute Settlement Mechanism. Journal of Interdisciplinary Development Studies, 86-99.
Roberts, L. D. (2003). Beyond Notion of Diplomacy and Legalism: Building a Just Mechanism for WTO Dispute Resolution. American Business Law Journal, 9.
Stankevicius, R. (2007). Problems of International Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Among The European Union Customs Authorities. Journal of Intellectual Economics, 63-64.
Trachtman, G. S. (2011). Interpretation and Institutional Choice at The WTO. Virgina Journal of International Law, 103-153.
Trivelli, C. (2003, January 2). Economic Liberalization and Evolution of Rural Agricultural Sector in Peru. Retrieved from
Whalley, J. (1990). Non-Discriminatory Discrimination: Special and Differential Treatment under the GATT for Developing Countries. The Economic Journal, 1318-1328.
Winter, G. S. (2017). FTA Law in WTO Dispute Settlement : Peru Additional Duty and The Fragmentation of Trade Law. World Trade Review, 303-326.
World Trade Institute. (2015, September 30). WTI researcher presents on Peru-Agriculture case at WTO. Retrieved from case-at-wto/
World Trade Organization. (2007, August 17). DS207 Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products. Retrieved from
World Trade Organization. (2021). Dispute Settlement Body. Retrieved from
Wu, K. S. (2016). Understanding Agricultural Price Range Systems as Trade Restraints : Peru – Agricultural Products. World Trade Review, 259.