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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article must be original, unpublished, and not pending publication elsewhere
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice (ODF), Microsoft Word, RTF, or document file format.
  • The article must be following the Journal Template.
  • The maximum plagiarism rate for each article is under 25%.

Author Guidelines

Checked The article is in OpenOffice (ODF), Microsoft Word, RTF, or document file format about 4500-6000 words, writing using font “Times New Roman”, size “12”, spacing “before-after: 0 cm”, line spacing “1.5”, special first line “1 cm”, paper “A4”, and margin “Top: 3 cm - Right-Left-Bottom: 2.5 cm”.

Checked The maximum plagiarism rate for each article is under 25% (checked using Turnitin), and it is recommended to check spelling using Grammarly.

Checked The title must be clear, pricise, and does not have multiple interpretations (no more than 25 words).

Checked The authors: (a) Name; (b) Affiliation; and (c) Email with the affiliation domain.

Checked Abstract (in English), abstract should be typed in English no more than 300 words, consisting of: (a) Novelty; (b) Research Objectives; (c) Methodology; and (d) Results. There are no citations in the abstract and it is only written in one paragraph.

Checked Keywords, consisting of 3-5 keywords in English.

Checked Abstract (in Indonesian), abstract should be typed in Indonesian no more than 300 words, consisting of: (a) Novelty; (b) Research Objectives; (c) Methodology; and (d) Results. There are no citations in the abstract and it is only written in one paragraph.

Checked Keywords, consist of 3-5 keywords in Indonesian.

Checked Introduction consists of: (a) Description of the researched problem; (b) Previous research; (c) Novelty; and (d) Research Objectives.

Checked Methodology does not explain the definition, but how the research process is carried out from beginning to end. It is better if equipped with a research flow chart so that it is easier to understand.

Checked Results consist of: (a) The theory used; and (b) Findings.

Checked Discussion is the result of analysis of findings based on the theory used.

Checked Conclusion is not a repetition of previous writing, but conclusion is the essence of the results in accordance with the research objectives based on the findings, theory, and analysis. Conclusion is only written in one paragraph. There are no citations in the conclusion.

Checked The article using at least 20 references.

Checked Citation and references using footnote model. It is recommended to use Mendeley, Zotero, or others tools with styles “Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note, with Ibid.)”.

Checked More complete instructions can be seen in Journal Template.

Checked Other matters that need to be communicated, can be contacted at



Checked Open Submissions

Checked Indexed

Checked Peer Reviewed

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