The Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Genetic Potential Between Clones of Sugar Cane (Saccharaum officinarum) Ratoon 2


  • Mar'atus Khusniatur Rahmah Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • Setyo Budi Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • Rohmatin Farida Agustina Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik


potensi genetik, klon, POC, tebu ratun


This research aims to analyze genetic diversity, heritability, genetic progress, and the correlation between agronomic traits due to Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) treatment. The research used a plot design divided into 3 replications, with the main plot consisting of 9 clones of second ratoon sugar cane, namely clones SB11, SB03, SB01, SB12, SB04, SB19, SB20, BC01, and clone BC02 and the subplot was a test of giving LOF, namely without LOF, LOF A 10 l.ha-1, and LOF B 6 l.ha-1. The research was carried out at the Sambiroto P3T Test Plantation, Sooko, Mojokerto in March - July 2022. The results showed that clones SB03, SB01, SB04, SB19, SB20, BC01, and BC02 were clones that interacted with the provision of LOF, this was shown in the variable number of cluster plants -1. The SB 01 clone showed the best agronomic characteristics compared to other clones Giving LOF was significant for stem weight and brix values, especially giving LOF B. Agronomic characters with high heritability predicted values were found in stem height and diameter, leaf area, and brix. Agronomic characteristics with moderate heritability estimates are found in the number of leaves and plants in clump-1. The agronomic character with a low heritability prediction value is plant stem weight-1. There is high hope of genetic progress in all agronomic characters except plant stem weight-1. Stem weight and brix showed a positive correlation with sugarcane yield. Agronomic characteristics that have the potential to be used to obtain superior sugarcane varieties are stem height, stem diameter, number and area of leaves, number of clump-1 plants, and brix.


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How to Cite

Rahmah, M. K., Budi, S., & Agustina, R. F. (2023). The Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Genetic Potential Between Clones of Sugar Cane (Saccharaum officinarum) Ratoon 2. Gontor Agrotech Science Journal, 9(2), 172–185. Retrieved from