آثار الصلوات الواحديّة إلى إثبات العقيدة بمعهد كيدنجلو باندار لوار موجوروتو كديري


  • Indra Ari Fajari Universitas Darussalam ( UNIDA) Gontor
  • Mei Dana Pilhandoko Universitas Darussalam ( UNIDA) Gontor



Kata Kunci:

Mujahadah Shalawat Wahidiyah, Stability Aqidah, Ritual, Sholawat


This article is a research report about the essential teaching of wahidiyah that the point is an attempt of taqarrub ila Allâh (to approach God and ask for His help) throughout the implementation of shalawât wahidiyah is composed by KH. Abdoel Madjid Ma’ruf, the owner of Islamic boarding school of Kedunglo Kediri. The characteristic of implementation of shalawât wahidiyah ritual is Crying about mujâhadah (truthfulness), nidâ’ (appealing), tasyaffu’ (request of syafa’at/intercession), and istighrâq (concentration and focus Allah). There is no controversial aspect of aqîdah in wahidiyah teaching. even though some muslim scholars are still questioning its legality. the whole implementation of the mujahadah sholawat wahidiyah covers a series of processes, conditions before implementation, adab that must be done and readings read, supporting the process of establishing stability aqidah. The aspect in mujahadah which has the most role in the formation of the stability aqidah is moral when reading and the content and content of sholawat wahidiyah itself which influences the formation of the stability aqidah. The changes experienced after practicing this prayer are like; practicing experience improvement in his religious understanding, giving rise to motivation to worship, increasing confidence in God, reviving conscience and holding back passions, giving birth to a sense of calm and worship with consistency and responsibility, fostering a sense of glory, instilling noble character, giving birth obedience, foster a sense of enthusiasm in learning and deepening religion, giving birth to the attitude of advising one another and fostering brotherhood.


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