The Impact of Teacher Attitude and Mobile Technology on Student Engagement


  • Natalie Anjelly Department of Management, Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia
  • Rivalyn Cinthia Putry Department of Management, Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia
  • Ananda Fortunisa Department of Management, Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia


This research investigates the influence of teacher attitudes and mobile technology interaction on student engagement in the classroom. Student engagement refers to the level of interest, motivation, and commitment thatstudents demonstrate towards their learning and involvement in the educational process. Teacher attitudes refer to the beliefs, perceptions and dispositions that educators hold towards their profession, their students and the educationalprocess. Mobile technology is technology that can be taken wherever the user goes. Using a quantitative approach, data is collected from samples of students who are currently studying or who have graduated through surveys, classobservations and additional interviews. Because this research topic has never been conducted before, the researcher is interested in discussing "The Impact of Teacher Attitude and Mobile Technology on Student Engagement". This study underscores the importance of professional development for teachers to adopt a positive attitude and utilize mobiletechnology professionally. These factors collectively contribute to a more engaging and dynamic educational environment, thereby encouraging and improving better academic outcomes and student satisfaction through teacher attitudes that support mobile integration in education. Keywords: Student Engagement, Teacher attitudes, Mobile Technology


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Cara Mengutip

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