'Debt Trap Diplomacy' as Narration: How Linguistic Hegemony Work


  • Dwi Ardiyanti Universitas Darussalam Gontor


China has a mega project, namely OBOR (One Belt One Road) or the Silk Road. China's OBOR project refers to 5 priority aspects in its cooperation, including: policy coordinator, facility liaison, free trade, financial integration and grassroots cooperation. With this increased power, China is able to implement the Debt Trap Diplomacy strategy to realize China's OBOR program. Debt Trap is a situation where the debtor country is difficult or unable to repay the money borrowed where the debtor will enter into a continuous debt cycle that ends in giving assets in exchange for debt. The Debt Trap Diplomacy narrative then becomes familiar with the term binding debt. This term becomes the legality of foreign investment which can be claimed as another type of Chinese hegemony to be able to compete with the United States and its allies. This research is important to see that there is a public tendency to view China's policies financially. This research method is qualitative, with secondary data from various sources, such as books, journals, articles.


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