The Meaning of Ghirah Learning (Study Phenomenology of Mahasantri at Islamic Boarding School-Based University)


  • Maya Tsuroya Alfadla
  • Rifqi Riva Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Aranda Ahmad Darwis Universitas Darussalam Gontor


Learning ghirah for someone is interpreted as enthusiasm, encouragement, and love for learning activities to achieve what is desired. This study aims to explore the experiences of mahasantri regarding their learning of ghirah in Islamic boarding school-based campuses. The research used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach where we will explore one's experiences, views, and perspectives on the ghirah of learning in a pesantren-based university. Collecting data using interview and observation methods. While the stages of analysis carried out were data collection, coding, grouping data, and conclusions. The findings in this study are that the mahasantri’s learning of ghirah for studying at a pesantren-based campus is motivated by there were things behind it so that the subject had a high motivation to learn, namely the condition of civilization in the area of ​​origin which was backward so that he wanted to become a cadre of developers and modifiers at Islamic boarding schools, second, support/ motivation from influential figures, third, the aim is to elevate the degree of his parents (Birrul Walidain). These findings can be useful for education, especially how to foster mahasantri’s learning ghirah so that they are serious about achieving their goals.


