Studia Quranika
<p><strong>Studia Quranika: Jurnal Studi Quran</strong> (p-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2527-7251</a> , e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-9262</a>,) is a Journal of Al-Qur'an Studies published by the Department of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Stuides, Faculty of Ushuluddin , University of Darussalam Gontor in collaboration with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asosiasi Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir (AIAT) se-Indonesia</a>. This journal is published twice a year in July and January to develop a scientific ethos.</p> <p><strong>Studia Quranika: Jurnal Studi Quran</strong> focuses on issues of the Qur'an and Tafsir which are studied in various disciplines including Al-Quran Science, Al-Quran and Contemporary Issues, Tafsir Science, Tafsir Methods, Al-Quran Manuscript Studies, Al-Quran Linguistics, Living Quran, and Methods of Memorizing the Al-Quran. This journal provides readers with an understanding of relevant research results, both in literature and field research.</p> <p>This Journal indexed by several index institution including:</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /></a> <img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /></a> <img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="175" height="64" /></a> <img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="162" height="77" /></a><a style="background-color: #ffffff;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p>Universitas Darussalam Gontoren-USStudia Quranika2527-7251Classical Insights, Contemporary Relevance: Understanding Tafsīr bi-al-Maʾthūr in Qurʾānic Studies
<p>This paper explores <em>tafsīr bi-al-ma</em><em>ʾth</em><em>ūr</em>, or tradition-based <em>Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ānic</em> exegesis, examining its core elements, interpretive diversity, and relevance in both historical and contemporary contexts. Defined by reliance on the <em>Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ān</em> itself, prophetic traditions, and the interpretations of the Companions and Successors, <em>tafs</em><em>īr bi-al-ma</em><em>ʾth</em><em>ūr</em> is foundational in Islamic scholarship for preserving original meanings of the <em>Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ān</em>. However, its dependence on early sources raises questions about its adaptability to current ethical, legal, and social issues within Muslim communities. Through a qualitative analysis, this study investigates primary interpretative methods within <em>tafsīr bi-al-ma</em><em>ʾth</em><em>ūr</em>, including <em>tafs</em><em>īr al-Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ān bi-l-Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ān</em>, <em>tafs</em><em>īr bi-l-</em><em>ḥad</em><em>īth</em>, and interpretations by the Companions and Successors. The paper reveals how <em>tafs</em><em>īr bi-al-ma</em><em>ʾth</em><em>ūr</em> maintains <em>Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ānic</em> authenticity while offering insights into its potential relevance for contemporary applications. This study contributes to <em>Qur</em><em>ʾ</em><em>ānic</em> studies by affirming <em>tafsīr bi-al-ma</em><em>ʾth</em><em>ūr</em> as both a resilient and adaptable approach, balancing fidelity to foundational texts with interpretive flexibility in modern Islamic discourse.</p>Md. Mahdi HasanChoirul AhmadMd. Rafiqul Islam
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika: Jurnal Studi Quran
2025-02-012025-02-019215517810.21111/studiaquranika.v9i2.12989عادت أولي العزم من الرسل في حياتهم الاجتماعي من خلال القرآن والسنة
<p>The Messengers of Ūlū al-‘Azm were distinguished Prophets who held high positions and exerted significant influence in their societies. they shared similar Practices and approaches in addressing challenges in their social lives. Their determination and patience in improving the community is seen in the Qur'an and Sunnah. So this research seeks to uncover the habits of Ūlū alĀzm in their social life and reveal the meanings contained therein based on the verses of the Qur'an and Hadith. This research uses the descriptive method of analysis to look at the habits in social life experienced by the Ūlū alĀzmi prophets. Among the conclusions of this study is that the Apostle Ūlū alĀzm both have noble morals, because the Apostle Ūlū alĀzm applies social values that are guided by Allah Ta'ala, as for the differences in times and social conditions experienced by the Apostle Ūlū alĀzm are different but if there are causes and characteristics that are repeated they will use the same approach in improving and restoring social values in their society, because all social values and the ultimate criteria for good and bad social behavior are rooted in divine revelation.</p>Fadhli AnandaSaadeldin Mansour GasmelsidAhmad El-Mogtaba Bannga Ahmed Ali
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika : Jurnal Studi Quran
2025-02-012025-02-019217920210.21111/studiaquranika.v9i2.13039Reinterpretasi Pendidikan Moderat dalam Tafsir Al-Muntakhabat Karya KH. Achmad Asrori Al-Ishaqi dan Penerapannya dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia
<p>The increasingly complex challenges of radicalism and intolerance, including in Indonesia, make it necessary to explore the understandings of previous ulama' so that they can give birth to a comprehensive understanding of moderate education, including understanding in contemporary Sufi interpretations, especially through the work of KH. Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi, who is a recognized figure in the world of Islamic scholarship. The aim of this research is to explore new understandings about religious moderation education in the context of contemporary Sufi interpretation. The urgency of this research is to prevent the spread of religious extremism ideas that are spread through educational channels. This research method includes text analysis of the Sufi Tafsir al-Muntakhabat, with a focus on the concepts of religious moderation education contained in the work. Analysis is carried out in depth to understand how these concepts are interpreted and applied in today's context. The results obtained in this research are that there are four moderate educational values in the Sufi commentary book <em>al-Muntakhab</em><em>āt</em> by KH. Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi include: First, justice ('is), second, <em>wasa</em><em>ṭiyah</em> (middle), third, strengthening brotherhood between fellow humans (tolerance), fourth, respect for differences. Looking at some of these moderate educational values, when implemented in the curriculum they will be an important contribution to efforts to prevent radicalism and extremism as well as building a more harmonious society</p>Muh Makhrus Ali RidhoLusia Mumtahana
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika : Jurnal Studi Quran
2025-02-012025-02-019220322610.21111/studiaquranika.v9i2.12653Firdaws al-Na'īm: Tradisi Tafsīr Klasik dalam Konteks Lokal Madura
<p>This study examines the tafsīr method of <em>Firdaws al-Na'īm</em> by Thaifur Ali Wafa, which represents a significant contribution to the development of contemporary tafsīr in Indonesia. This method integrates classical tafsīr traditions with a contextual approach relevant to local social and cultural issues, particularly in Madura. The main focus of this research is to analyze how <em>Firdaws al-Na'īm</em> combines the text of the Qur'ān with the cultural values of Madura and its contribution to addressing the modern challenges of Muslim life in Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach based on library research, this study compares Firdaws al-Na'īm with classical tafsir works such as <em>Tafsīr al-Qhurtūbī</em>, <em>al-Nasāfī</em>, <em>al-Jalālayn</em>, and <em>Mafātih al-Ghayb</em>. The findings reveal that <em>Firdaws al-Na'īm</em> offers a tafsīr that is not only theoretical but also practical, considering the social and cultural context. This method enriches the tafsīr tradition in Indonesia and provides a new, relevant perspective for contemporary Muslim life.</p>Ihwan AgustonoMuahammad BadrunPutri Alfia Halida
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika : Jurnal Studi Quran
2025-02-012025-02-019222725010.21111/studiaquranika.v9i2.13119Legitimasi Penafsiran DI/TII Sensen Komara tentang Perubahan Arah Kiblat: Analisis Penafsiran QS. Al-Baqarah 142-144
<p>Interpretations with pragmatic and ideological approaches to Qur'anic verses have the potential to trigger deviations in people's understanding. Sensen Komara uses this interpretation to strengthen the ideology and legitimacy of his movement, which has the potential to cause division among Muslims. This study aims to analyze the methods and approaches used by Sensen Komara to examine the legitimacy of Sensen Komara's interpretation of the change in Qibla direction contained in QS. Al-Baqarah verse 142-144, as well as comparing it with authoritative interpretations from leading scholars. The research conducted is library research, namely by collecting library data. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive-analytical method by explaining or describing through clear words and detailing systematically, factually and accurately based on existing data. The interpretation of QS. Al-Baqarah 142-144 by DI/TII Sensen Komara reflects an attempt to use the Qur'an as a means of legitimizing the ideology of their movement. This pragmatic and ideological approach shows the courage to adapt the sacred text according to the context of their struggle. Interpretations that tend to be partial and contextually limited risk ignoring the universal and inclusive dimensions of Qur'ānic verses. As a consequence, the deep spiritual message of changing the Qibla direction as a symbol of Muslim obedience and unity can be reduced to a mere political tool. This interpretation shows the importance of a balance between understanding the historical context and the universal message of the Qur'an.</p>Hafid Nur MuhammadTasya SekardilaTia Dahtiana
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika : Jurnal Studi Quran
2025-02-012025-02-019225126810.21111/studiaquranika.v9i2.13510Manuskrip Mushaf Al-Qur`an Kertas Kuno (MMKK-A) Koleksi Museum Jenang dan Gusjigang Kudus Jawa Tengah: Kajian Kodikologi dan Rasm Berkaidah Hamzah
<p>This study examines the Manuscript of Mushaf al-Qur`an Ancient Paper A (MMKK-A) a collection of the Jenang and Gusjigang Museum in Kudus. The purpose of this study is to describe the physical form of the manuscript through codicological studies and its textual content through analysing it on the basis of the code of writing <em>hamzah </em>formulated by Abū Amr al-Dāni dan Abū Dawūd Sulaimān al-Najāh known as <em>shaikh</em><em>āni fī al-rasm. </em>The physical form of the manuscript through codicological studies and its textual content through analysing it on the basis of the code of writing <em>hamzah </em>formulated by Abū Amr al-Dāni dan Abū Dawūd Sulaimān al-Najāh known as <em>shaikh</em><em>āni fī al-rasm.</em> The results of this study reveal that the Manuscript of Mushaf al-Qur`an Ancient Paper A (MMKK-A) was written around the 18th-19th centuries AD using European paper with a writing model in the form of khat naskhi. This manuscript consists of 30 Juz bound using thread, with a size of 33 cm long x 22.5 cm wide. As for the text analysis, the analysis of the rasm with <em>hamzah</em> rules is generally in accordance (ittīfaq) with the rules formulated by <em>shaikh</em><em>ān fī al-rasm</em>, and some words violate the formulation of one of them <em>(ikhtilaf baina a</em><em>ḥadhihima)</em></p>Abdul Wadud Kasful HumamVina Tsuroyya Najihah
Copyright (c) 2025 Studia Quranika : Jurnal Studi Quran